Our Mission
The OPA was created to provide regulatory certainty for its members and the industry to allow for investment and innovation to expand the industry as a whole. With a focus on science-based policymaking, a continual goal of the association is to preserve the ability to be innovative while respecting the tradition of organics. Our mission is to meet growing consumer demand for organic produce.

Growth in Organics
According to the Organic Produce Network’s State of Organics 2023, organic fresh produce sales grew by 1.6% in 2023, topping $9.6 billion.
Organic produce comprised 12% of retail produce sales and represented 7% of the total produce volume. The growth potential for the organic industry is more likely to be limited by availability than by demand, as younger consumers entering the market for the first time are seeking out affordable organic options all year long for a wide variety of fruits and vegetables.
To support this growth potential, the Organic Produce Association (OPA) is focused on:
Addressing NOSB’s Focus on Barriers to Organic Produce:
In April 2024, OPA submitted remarks to the NOSB regarding the CACS Discussion Document on Improving Support for Organic Transition as outlined in the Spring 2024 NOSB Meeting Materials.
OPA’s comments focused on a proposal that allows all growers an option to test out of the three-year requirement if all other applicable requirements have been met. To that end, OPA supports an option for all growers to be allowed to apply for and receive an organic certificate with no waiting period if they can demonstrate adequate organic soil health certification via an approved soil testing standard – or an alternative if another growing media is used. This test should be carried out by a USDA Accredited Certifying Agent, and show no substances prohibited by USDA/s National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances.
While acknowledging that this proposal represents a significant shift from current practices within the National Organic Program, the OPA believes that to truly foster a more inclusive, diverse, and equitable organic sector, the NOP should consider ways to break down all barriers to organic transition, including the transition period, where appropriate.
The Continuous Improvement and Accountability in Organic Standards Act
OPA is closely monitoring the Continuous Improvement and Accountability in Organic Standards Act (HR 2918). Although OPA is supportive of efforts by the bill sponsors to ensure that National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) recommendations are considered in an appropriate manner, we are concerned that the bill would elevate the status of NOSB above a regular federal advisory committee. Requiring USDA to publish all decisively approved NOSB recommendations in the Federal Register and undergo a formal rulemaking process on a specific timeframe would significantly impact the ability of a small advisory board to implement organic policy.
Further, OPA is supportive of current USDA efforts to reduce the backlog of NOSB recommendations and appreciates the work being done to ensure an open and transparent process being used to prioritize outstanding recommendations for action.
Organic Research
OPA requests appropriate investments in USDA programs supporting organic growers, and growers that want to transition to organic production, including:
- National Organic Program, $24 million. The National Organic Program develops and enforces consistent national standards for USDA certified organic products.
- Organic Transitions Research Program, $9 million. The Organic Transitions Research Program supports the development and implementation of research, extension and higher education programs to improve the competitiveness of organic producers, as well as those who are adopting organic practices.
- Organic Certification Cost-Share Program, $4 million. The Organic Certification Cost- Share Program provides cost share assistance to producers and handlers of agricultural products who are obtaining or renewing their certification under the National Organic Program.
- Organic Production and Market Data Initiative, $1 million. USDA provides domestic and international price reporting, economic analyses, census data, and other information on organic production and marketing.
- Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program, $50 million. The Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program is USDA’s premier research program for sustainable agriculture research.